

ChronoTrigger::Timeline is a Concern that can be included in your Controllers, Models Jobs, Reflexes, Channels, Mailers, Helpers, rake tasks and anywhere else you want to schedule an Event.

include ChronoTrigger::Timeline

It provides:

  1. The chrono_trigger accessor, which gives you the ability to interact with the Schedule of upcoming Event instances.

  2. The moment_in_the_future(ActiveSupport::TimeWithZone) and right_now helper methods.


Once you have a reference to the chrono_trigger accessor, you gain new powers over your Event instances.

add(ChronoTrigger::Event): While usually called for you when scheduling an Event instance, it is also possible to pass a valid Event directly to add.

clear: Purge the Schedule completely and without regard for scope. This means that all users will not see their Event. Use with due caution! 😰

clear_scope(String or ActiveRecord::Base): Purge all Event instances from the Schedule that are an exact match for the scope passed to it. Usually, this means either all events for a specific user or resource, or all events for a topic or tag not represented by a resource.

events: This will return a thread-safe Array which contains all of the Event instances currently present in the system.

remove(String or ChronoTrigger::Event): Remember back when I suggested that you store references to your created Event instances? The remove method accepts either the id of an Event (which will be a UUIDv4) or the Event object itself. If the signature matches, the Event will be marked for purging at the next tick.

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